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Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice represents the views of all our pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community.

School Council:

At our first meeting, we discussed what we are responsible for within the School Pupil Voice. School Council has always enjoyed preparing and celebrating Children in Need!

We went and spoke to our class about what they would like to do to celebrate this year. After a discussion, the children decided that the Foundation Phase would be multi-coloured miss-match,

Lower KS2 Multi coloured miss match,
Year 5 to wear an blue item,
Year 6 to wear pink item.
We will celebrate Children in Need on Friday 17th November.Everyone had a great day and we raised £210.
We shared our photos on Twitter.

Future Project for 2024

During our first meeting back after Christmas, we decided to start preparing for our Welsh Week celebrations. We first need to find out from senior leaders and research if there are any important events coming up to celebrate.

Once this has been decided, we will feed back the decision to our classes and ask for ideas of the types of homework that they would like to complete as competition entries.

Eco Council: 
The Eco school’s pupil voice committee meets regularly. This is our 25th year of being an Eco School. We have achieved Platinum level and are meeting with Mr Bunt this week from Eco Schools Wales to hopefully renew and keep Platinum status.

We organised the whole school Big Birdwatch in January this year, analysed data, and fed back in assembly. The most spotted birds were robins and wood pigeons! All classes had an hour of birdwatching and greatly enjoyed topping up feeders and using well-visited bird sites in school.

All classes have some ecological topics in their curriculum; frozen kingdoms in y6, Sow, seed and grow Y5, Scented Garden Y2 to name but a few. We greatly enjoy these topics and use outdoor sites as often as we can. We celebrated 225 years of our canal during Welsh week. Again all classes utilised the rich locality to learn that we share in Clydach.

This year is the 70th anniversary of Coed Gwilym Park, a place many classes value using as part of our curriculum. We use recycling boxes for paper, food and plastic in all classes, the hall and kitchen.

Some classes used the Enterprise project at Christmas for recycling, fabric in Y6 for dog bandanas and lucky dip toys in Y2. We have had two ecological clubs this year for infants,

Eco club during the Autumn term and green gym during the Summer Term. We have lots of fun planting, making habitats, talking about health, exercising, and feeling good. We had a Mindfulness club also for health and wellbeing. We are a healthy school and ask for healthy snacks and water to be provided for all children, if possible, at break times.

Mini- Vinnies
During the Spring term Mini Vinnies raised money to help those affected by the gas explosion in Morriston by holding a bake sale, which raised £270.

We gave out Mission Together boxes to all classes in the school to raise money to help those around the world in poverty and conflict.
We gathered as a group and came up with an idea about prayer buddies and creating prayers to share with the school for special feast days and months. We will be composing a prayer together to celebrate the month of Mary.

Digital Leaders
The children from Years 1-6 met on numerous occasions to discuss the use of ICT and Digital Competence throughout school.

The main focus of our early meetings was to prepare the school for the very important Safer Internet Day - which took place in February.  
Booklets were made and handed out to classes and the children decided on the ICT work to be carried out throughout the week.

It was a success and the children got to experience planning and evaluating the computer work for each class in the school - including the Nursery and Reception.

Y Criw Cymraeg
The Criw volunteered some lovely ideas in which to celebrate and raise the awareness of Dydd Santes Dwynwen on the 25th Janurary.

· A class colouring competition with the winner winning chocolate hearts

· The Criw to make their own heart badges (Mrs. Weaver to provide the template) and greet other pupils with ‘Dydd Santes Dwynwen hapus!’

· Members of the Criw to make a large photo frame decorated with hearts and take photos of pupils at breaktime using ipads.

Patrwm yr wythnos for Santes Dwynwen week will be ‘Pwy wyt ti’n caru?’
Answers can be ‘Dw I’n caru mam/dad/brawd/chwaer/mamgu/tadcu/Ffrind’ etc
(Juniors to extend answers with ‘achos mae’n…)

Sports Council
The Sports Council has worked on creating a 'Sports pages' blog to celebrate sporting achievements both in the school and the wider community.

A school survey is also underway to identify sports participated in and sports pupils would like to try.

A football boots and sports kit cycling programme is also to be set up in early spring. This should enable all pupils who need boots will have access to the correct kit.

Pupils have also expressed a desire to play in more in-house and schools tournaments, something that will be launched in the second Spring term.

Gaelic Football after-school club are also organising a festival of football which will take place on St Patrick's Day.

The Senedd met this term to feedback and discuss all of the arrangements within the other pupil voice groups.

The Eco Committee were preparing for the renewal of the platinum flag.

The Sports Committe reported the success of Year 6 by taking part in the Swansea football tournament where we took 8 girls who made up only 14 girls out of 144 participants. The Sports Committee wanted to take this inclusion forward as a strength of our school.

Criw Cymraeg are looking to build up the use of games on the yard and will be workimg on this. Minni Vinnies discussed the 'Mission 'boxes that they have given out to all classes to encourage all pupils to 'give alms' during Lent.

Digital Leaders worked with classes on disseminating 'E-Safety' day to ensure that all pupils are aware of online safety.